Avalon Astoria Pellet Stove Review

The Avalon Astoria is ideal for medium sized properties looking for efficiency and great heating power. The feed rate can be modified from 1.7 to 5.5 lbs. of fuel per hour providing up to 2,250 square feet of heating output. In addition to the incredible heating capacity, you can also expect up to 70 hours of heating without having to refuel, all thanks to the massive 115 pound capacity pellet hopper.

Another great feature od the Astoria is that when your home as reached the desired temperature – determined by the thermostat, it will actually turn off instead of simply cycling back to low, helping you to save even more money.  The stove comes equipped with a standard wall thermostat, black door, black convection grill and black top trivet.

Other Features: 

  • 115 lb. pellet hopper capacity
  • Heavy duty stainless steel burn pot, allows multi-fuel 50/50 mix of feed corn and pellets
  • 800-2,250 square feet heating capacity
  • 13,940-45,100 BTUs range of heating power
  • Burn times of up to 70 hours
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