Fireplace Accessories

While researching which fireplace or stove is best for your home, you’ll also want to consider which accessories you’ll need.  Check out the following guides featuring ash vacuums, safety gates, firewood racks, fireplace tongs, grates, and more. 

Fireplace Accessory Buying Guides

Soot vacuums are typically used by commercial chimney sweeps but some homeowners do buy them for DIY soot cleaning. Ash vacuums are great for fireplace ash cleanup and more affordable. Read more…

Fireplace grates are a necessary component for any fireplace or fire pit, as they provide the safe and secure foundation upon which the fire burns. Read more…

If you choose a wood-burning stove or fireplace insert, you’ll want to add a fireplace tool set to help with cleaning, stoking, and refueling your fire. Read more…

Firewood storage racks not only provide a clean and tidy way to store your wood but they also help season it for better burning. Read more…

Safety is a top priority for all stove owners, or fireplace owner for that matter. This is especially true for those with pets and children.  Read more…

If you plan to install a new wood or pellet stove, you may need to install a chimney liner kit. We review several common chimney liner kits. Read more… 

Fireplace tongs coming in very handy as re-positioning logs leads to better burning and increased safety preventing logs from falling out. Read more…

Fireplace Accessory Articles

barometric damper

What is a Barometric Damper?

Barometric dampers are a device installed into the flue between the heating appliance and the chimney to control draft. Barometric dampers are used in a wide range of heating appliances including furnaces, boilers, fireplaces, and stoves. Even though they are

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