HeatMaster G Series Wood-Burning Furnace

The HeatMaster G Series wood furnace comes in two models, a G4000 and a G7000, and is approved for both indoor and outdoor use. The units have an insanely incredible heating capacity of 90,000 BTUs to 165,000 BTUs respectively.

They are equipped with a range of innovative features including a titanium steel construction for superior durability and a dual latch firebox door for improved safety. 

Being that the HeatMaster G Series uses the gasification process which reduces wood consumption, this workhorse of a unit is relatively easy to clean and loading wood is not a major pain. The G4000 has a water capacity of 116 gallons and the G7000 has a water capacity of 195 gallons.

Owners comment how much money the HeatMaster G Series saves them on heating bills compared to other heat sources. These wood burning furnaces are able to be loaded for a half day burn without you having to pay much mind while it’s working. 

Both units are able to supply warmth for very large spaces, the G4000 for up to 4,000 sq/ft and the G7000 for up to 7,000 sq/ft, so you’ll be in good hands during the cold winter months. Owners love the large firebox, stainless steel construction, along with the minimal amount of smoke they get when feeding the unit.

An insider tip from those who have gone through multiple winters with the HeatMaster G Series is not to throw all large rounds into the firebox. Instead, put in a few round pieces of wood and then add split wood. 

If you are good to your G Series by removing the ashes and cleaning out the gasification chamber weekly when it’s being used frequently then it will reward you with a reduced amount of smoke. Keep in mind to have a good coal bed, and make sure  gasification exhaust from the pipe is clear. 

The G Series has been available since 2016 and enjoys annual updates and improvements. 

Attributes G4000

Attributes G7000

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