Our Sleep Advisor Guide for a Better Nights Rest

We all need a good night sleep to function properly, and when a good night sleep isn’t achieved, we can become moody due to the lack of quality rest.

REM sleep, the last stage of the sleep process (there are four stages: light, deep, wake and REM), and it is the most essential stage for turning short term memories into long term memories.

If you do not get quality REM sleep then the lessons or skills you achieved the previous day will have a difficult time being remembered for proper growth, which is what most humans are striving for.


Most people like to have their room cool in the evening, so that they are able to cuddle up under a blanket. I know this is the way we at HeatTalk enjoy our room temperature, and we assume this is true for you

In the summer it can be especially difficult to get a good night sleep, because we attempt to balance our homes energy bill budget with being able to get to bed and sleep properly. As the world continues to become hotter every summer we will continue to balance our bank account with our ability to get quality sleep. We have come up with sleep advisor guide that includes a list of items you should consider to assist you with gaining the upper hand on sleep deprivation!

, when all of the above is exacerbated the heat. Today, we address that. Below are some pointers on how to use room temperature control for better sleep.

1. Bed Linens, Mattress Pads and Clothing

Some people actually put their sheets and blankets in the freezer for a few hours before bedtime. They make their bed that night, and the bed linens stay cool for almost an hour.

This usually is more than enough time to get to sleep. If you don’t have a large enough freezer for the entire blanket try your top sheet and pillow case. It sounds crazy, but it actually can do the trick!

You may want to also reevaluate your pajamas. Are they too thick? Do they twist around you, restricting movement?

While some people enjoy sleeping with minimal clothing (possibly in the buff) during the hot summer months, others like to have a thin layer of cotton pajamas against their bodies to wick away any moisture. Try sleeping both ways to see if you are comfortable enough to drift off.


Re-Think Your Bed Covers

Some people feel like they need a lot of weight on top of them in order to fall asleep, and by now we all are aware of the weighted blanket fad that’s swept the world.

This is more common with people who have Restless Leg Syndrome or a similar affliction that affects sleep, but as mentioned above weighted blankets have been a welcomed addition to many beds.

Do you Have a Pillow-Top Mattress?

All pillow-top mattresses are not made the same, and the one you may have put on your mattress to provide some body comfort may be holding in your body heat, making you hotter and hotter as the night progresses. It may be time to try a different mattress topper to reduce heat retention.

Luckily for you they make cooling pillow-top mattresses that can assist with bringing your body temperature to a more desirable body temperature, allowing you to drift off at night. 


Do you Have a Memory Foam Mattress that Seems too Hot at Night?

Look for a gel-infused memory foam mattress pad. You will have the comfort of memory foam, but the gel infusion will draw heat away from your body and disperse it throughout the pad. It’s a win./win situation!

Open Cell Foam is Another Excellent Solution

This type of topper creates airflow, which cools the bed. If you do not have an allergy to latex, then a latex topper may be the best choice. Latex foam is generally less likely to overheat than other types of foam. You can always go with an organic natural latex topper that may be a more expensive option, but gives you a better peace of mind with regards to any toxins that could possibly harm you. 

Down feather cooling pads

Believe it or not, down is another good choice for cooling mattress pads. The feathers can be fluffed and the shaft of the feathers or down wick heat away from the body and disburse it through the individual hairs of the feather. (Or whatever those “feathery” things are called.)

The density of the cooling mattress pad can affect its cooling abilities. Denser foam provides better support, but may retain heat more. Look for one with channels or vents to draw heat away.

The cover of your topper should be high quality enough to be comfortable and provide plenty of airflow.

2. Hydrate Yourself 

Ok, I can hear it now, “If I drink water at night, I’ll have to get up and go to the bathroom.”

Well, that’s true, but it can help you get off to sleep faster than you ever thought. It’s also better for your heart – the vast majority of heart attacks occur during the wee hours of the morning or right after you get up. Remaining hydrated makes a significant difference, improving your circulation and reducing chances of heart attack.


Impose an alcohol curfew

The flip-side of “drinking before bedtime” is alcohol. It may help you drift off more quickly, but you are more likely to awaken abruptly and be unable to go back to sleep. Part of the reason for this is that alcohol is a diuretic – so, YOU’LL GO TO THE BATHROOM ANYWAY! Drink water instead, and you’ll avoid dehydration and sleep better.

3. Air Circulation, Windows and Sound Machine

Air circulation can be a crucial element to controlling your room temperature. Maybe you want to sleep with the windows open. That can be great, but if there is environmental noise, it can be over-stimulating.

Buying yourself a quality sound machine can also be a welcomed addition. While you may be thinking about your kid when a sound machine is thought of the ambient noise a sound machine creates in your room gets the job done.

Circulate the air with a ceiling fan, if possible

Ceiling fans use less electricity than oscillating fans, but both are a great option for getting the air moving in the room and keeping you cooler.

Some of us have an issue getting to sleep with a fan directly pointed at us, have you tried two oscillating fans in your room working in cahoots and not having either directed at you? Give it a try with one of them pointed at your open bedroom door.


It will keep the air moving which will assist with finding your optimal body temperature at night. The open door will keep the air circulating in the bedroom and keep it from getting that suffocating feeling of stagnant air.

Final Thoughts on How to Get a Good Night Sleep it up

Your sleep is crucial to physical and mental health, and the temperature of your room is a paramount factor in getting a good night’s rest

Try some of these tricks tonight, and see how it goes.

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